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I’m Sitthichoke Noisri, Business and Product designer

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Combining empathy with creativity to make a change


As a multidisciplinary designer, I am driven by the belief that design thinking has the power to address real-world problems and enhance experiences, while delivering meaningful value to people. My background as an art and design professional, combined with my expertise in Human-Centered Design (HCD), my understanding of technology feasibility, and my business acumen, equip me with the ability to bring empathy and creativity together to create impactful solutions. I am positively open to any new challenging job opportunities.

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Digital Health Solution

MediCart Software

MediCart is developed to help healthcare professional to facilitate medication delivery for IPD patients within a ward and hospital. It aims to ease access, organise, store and transport medication to the patients's bedside through well-organised tracking program, easy maneuver and enough storage drawers for the operations.

Digital Health Solution

Arvic - Redefining Preventive Health Care Solutions

ARVIC 360 Health Care Solutions - Health wallet to track your health data, that you have a control and able to access or share with health care providers anytime & anywhere. The best interoperable health data platform that simplifies data access and accelerate the creation of health data network and ecosystem.​

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AI-Driven Health Solution

Symptom Checker

Symptom Checker module was developed as part of Arvic application to help users get the information related to their symptoms of sickness. It uses computerised algorithms that ask users a series of questions about their symptoms and require users to input details about their personal information such as age, height, weight, underlying deceases, etc., for a better and accurate resource.

Digital Health Solution

RH4 Digital Health

Region Health 4 (Cariva and Thammasat University) This application aims to help VHVs, and SHPH of RH4 to gather and access health data more easily. (Digital Transformation)

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“Combining Empathy with Creativity
To Make A Change"
This is the key idea behind a design development process with an emphasis on human-centered approach, user research, experience design, technology, and collaboration across

Sitthichoke N., Designer

Get In Touch

I hope you enjoy visiting my website.
An impactful product is not only made by one but by many collaborative innovators. If you need to know more about me, please contact me via this email or through below links.
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